Ye Yangxi | Introduction: New Contributions in Tang Poetry 叶杨曦 | 编者按:唐诗研究新探
2022-08-17Wu Huaidong | The Derivation of Shi-shi in Mid-to-Late Tang as a Scholarly Inheritance 吴怀东 | 《本事诗》“诗史”说与中晚唐学术脉动
2022-08-17Ding Fang | The Making of Classics: Li Bai and Du Fu's Poems in Anthologies of Tang Poetry between the Tang and the Ming Dynasties 丁 放 | 唐诗选本与李、杜诗歌的经典化——以唐...
2022-09-17Zhang Bowei | The Canonization of Du Fu in the Context of East Asian Literature 张伯伟 | 典范之形成:东亚文学中的杜诗
2022-09-17Liu Yi | On the Shared Structure of the Early to High Tang Gexing and the Seven-Character Short Poem with a Discussion of “Kayō Jūei” as a Japanese Seven-Character Short Poe...
2022-09-17Chen Boyi 陳博翼 | Qing-Southeast Asian Interactions in the Context of Border Control and Sovereignty, 1700s–1800s