Guo Zhendan | Editor's Introduction: Mohist Studies 郭震旦 | 编者按:墨子研究
2021-11-17Fang Xudong | Consequentialism and the Possibility of a Confucian-Mohist Encounter 方旭东 | 从后果论看儒墨会通的一个可能
2021-11-17Ding Sixin Wu Xiaoxin | Interpretations of Mohism's “Impartial Love” in the Republic of China: A Comparative Approach to Confucianism and Mohism 丁四新、吴晓欣 | 论民国学者...
2021-11-17Gao Huaping | On the Mohist Critique of Other Pre-Qin Schools of Philosophy 高华平 | 墨家对先秦诸子的学术批评
2021-11-17Lee Hsien-chung | Considering the Present from the Past: On Mohist Thought and Its Modern Transformation 李贤中 | 以古鉴今:论墨学的现代转化
2021-11-17Qin Yanshi | Mozi's Doctrines of “Opposing Military Aggression” and “Impartial Love” and Kant's “Perpetual Peace” 秦彦士 | 墨子“非攻”与康德“永久和平”
2021-11-17Nie Tao, Wu Manyi | Utilitarianism and the Westernization of Modern Mohist Studies 聂 韬、吴满意 | 功利主义与近代墨学重构
2021-11-17Chu Lijuan | On the English Translation of Jian'ai by Late-Qing Missionary-Sinologists 褚麗娟 | 晚清传教士—汉学家对兼爱的英译研究
2021-11-17The Top Ten Developments in Studies on Chinese Humanities in 2019–2020 2019–2020 年度“中国人文学术十大热点”
2021-11-17Wong Young-tsu 汪榮祖 | Zhong Han's Critique of the New Qing History