Zou Xiaodong | Editor's Introduction: Reevaluating the Traditional Confucian Division between Mencius and Xunzi 邹晓东 | 编者按:重估孟荀二分的传统儒学格局
2020-11-17Tu Weiming | Mencius, Xunzi, and the Third Stage of Confucianism 杜维明 | 统合孟荀与儒学第三期
2020-11-17Huang Yushun | Integrating the Thought of Mencius and Xunzi and the Problem of Modernizing Chinese Society 黄玉顺 | 孟荀整合与中国社会现代化问题
2020-11-17Liang Tao | Beyond Respecting Mencius and Criticizing Xunzi: A Return to Equal Status for the Two Sages 梁涛 | 超越尊孟抑荀 回归孟荀同尊
2020-11-17Guo Yi | Using Xunzi and Mencius to Adapt and Reclaim Modernity: A Reconstruction of Confucianism in the Modern Context 郭沂 | 受之以荀 纠之以孟
2020-11-17Ren Jiantao | Beyond Mencius and Xunzi: A Third Approach to Confucianism 任剑涛 | 孟荀之外的第三条儒学进路
2020-11-17Thomas William Whyke and Yu Zhongli | Becoming-Woman in Pu Songling’s Strange Tales
2020-11-17David J. Lebovitz | Sarah Allan, Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts
2020-11-17Su Jui-lung | Wu Gou 吳鉤, Fengya Song: Kan de jian de da Song wenming 風雅宋:看得見的大宋文明 [The Elegant Song Dynasty: The Visible Civilization of the Great Song]