Daniel A. Bell | Introduction to The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy
2018-08-16Huang Yushun | A Critical Discussion of Daniel A. Bell's Political Meritocracy 黄玉顺 |“贤能政治”批判——与贝淡宁教授商榷
2018-08-16Liu Jingxi | Building a Modern Political Ecology and the Need to Demystify Political Meritocracy 刘京希 |“贤能政治”的政治生态学观察
2018-08-16Zhang Yongle | The Future of Meritocracy: A Discussion of Daniel Bell’s The China Model 章永乐 | 贤能政治的未来——评贝淡宁《贤能政治》
2018-08-16Cao Feng | Pre-Qin Daoist Reflections on the Xianneng 曹峰 | 先秦道家关于“贤能”的思考
2018-08-16Fang Zhaohui | Virtuous Governance and the Chinese Way 方朝晖 | 德治、人治与中国治理之道
2018-08-16Daniel A. Bell | Vertical Democratic Meritocracy in China: Response to Comments