Ye Yangxi | Introduction: Ming and Qing Dynasty Novels and Commercial Society 叶杨曦 | 编者按:明清小说与商业社会
2023-06-17Liu Xiaoyi | Ming-Era Remittance Systems and Standard Cash in the Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan 刘晓艺 | 《醒世姻缘传》及其他明清小说中的白银与制钱问题
2023-06-17Xu Jianping and Zhang Yaxin | The Evolution of Money Culture and the Transformation of Narrative Culture in Pre-modern Chinese Fiction 许建平,张亚欣 | 货币观念的变异与农耕文学...
2023-06-17Zhao Yi | Ethos and Karma: the Construction of Business Ethics and Social Ethics in Popular Novels from the 16th to 18th Centuries 赵 益 | 世情与因果:十六至十八世纪通俗小说中...
2023-06-17Xu Yongbin | The Relationship between Literati Livelihoods and the Development of Novels and Operas in the Canal Region during the Ming and Qing Dynasties 徐永斌 | 论文士治生与...
2023-06-17Pedro Sobral | With What Voice Does China Speak? Sinology, Orientalism and the Debate on Sinologism