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日期: 2014-12-02 浏览: 12806




摘要:编纂于八百四十年前的《近思录》,原本只是朱熹、吕祖谦为僻居穷乡的读书人提供的一部理学入门读本,却被后世学者一步步发掘出潜藏的巨大学术价值,并最终成为最能代表中国古代主流学术思想的经典之一。历代《近思录》续编、补编、仿编、注释、集解、札记等后续著述,总数多达百种以上,此外还有古朝鲜、日本学者的注释讲说著述百余种。作为古代学术思想经典,《近思录》固然有其可以古今转换、历久弥新的思想意义和学术价值,而七八百年来广泛流布于中土、东亚的众多《近思录》后续著述,  同样是一大笔值得后世珍视的思想学术史宝贵资源。



The Follow-up Writings to Reflections on Things at Hand and Their Significance in History of Thoughts and Academics      


Yan Zuozhi

Abstract: Compiled by Zhu Xi and Lü Zuqian in 840 years ago, Reflections on Things at Hand was originally a Neo-Confucian primer for the backcountry scholars, but later intellectuals extracted great potential values out of it step by step, thus finally making it one of the classics which could be most representative of the mainstream academics in ancient China. The follow-up writings to the book in later ages of continuations, supplements, imitations, annotations, collected annotations, and notes amount to over one hundred kinds. There are also hundreds of writings of annotation, narration, and interpretation by scholars from ancient Japan and Korea. As one classic of ancient academic thought, this book of course has the durable ideological significance, academic value as well as its position in the ancient and modern transformation; besides, the numerous follow-up writings to the book widely spread in China and East Asia over the past seven or eight centuries, are also a great deal of precious resources in the history of academic thoughts for the later generations.